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Blood Castle

BC 1 (level 50 ~ 399): Minor Box

BC 2 (level 400 ~ 599): Minor Box

BC 3 (level 600 ~ 699): Standard Box

BC 4 (level 700 ~ 799): Standard Box

BC 5 (level 800 ~ 899): Greater Box

Steel of Heaven (10%), Garuda's Flame or Garuda's Feather (5%)

BC 6 (level 900 ~ 999): Greater Box

Steel of Heaven (15%), Garuda's Flame or Garuda's Feather (7,5%)

BC 7 (level 1000 ~ 1200): Greater Box

Steel of Heaven (20%), Garuda's Flame or Garuda's Feather (10%)


All BC (1~7) 100% Exclusive New Jewel for event winners

All BC (1~7) monsters drop Ancient Items (higher level BC higher drop rate)

All BC (1~7) appears Pig monsters (Minor Box, Exclusive New Jewel, GP)

Devil Square

DS 1 (level 50 ~ 399): Minor Box (100%), Exclusive New Jewel (50%)

DS 2 (level 400 ~ 599): Minor Box (100%), Exclusive New Jewel (50%)

DS 3 (level 600 ~ 699): Standard Box (100%), Exclusive New Jewel (60%)

DS 4 (level 700 ~ 799): Standard Box (100%), Exclusive New Jewel (60%)

DS 5 (level 800 ~ 899): Greater Box (100%), Exclusive New Jewel (70%)

DS 6 (level 900 ~ 999): Greater Box (100%), Exclusive New Jewel (70%)

DS 7 (level 1000 ~ 1200): Greater Box (100%), Exclusive New Jewel (70%)


All DS (1~7) rewarded are TOP 5 players.

All DS (1~7) appears New Year Horse monsters (Minor Box, Exclusive New Jewel, GP)

Chaos Castle

CC 1 (level 50 ~ 399): Minor Box, Bless of Light (Low Grade)

CC 2 (level 400 ~ 599): Minor Box, Bless of Light (Low Grade)

CC 3 (level 600 ~ 699): Standard Box, Bless of Light (Middle Grade)

CC 4 (level 700 ~ 799): Standard Box, Bless of Light (Middle Grade)

CC 5 (level 800 ~ 899): Greater Box, Bless of Light (random Middle/Greater Grade)

CC 6 (level 900 ~ 999): Greater Box, Bless of Light (random Middle/Greater Grade)

CC 7 (level 1000 ~ 1200): Greater Box, Bless of Light (random Middle/Greater Grade)


All CC (1~7) 100% 1 Ancient Item / 50% 2 Ancient Items for event winners

All CC (1~7) 10% chance of each monster drop Jewel (Bless / Soul / Chaos)

Double Goer


DG 1 (level 50 ~ 399): Minor Box

DG 2 (level 400 ~ 599): Minor Box

DG 3 (level 600 ~ 699): Standard Box

DG 4 (level 700 ~ 799): Standard Box

DG 5 (level 800 ~ 899): Greater Box

DG 6 (level 900 ~ 999): Greater Box

DG 7 (level 1000 ~ 1200): Greater Box


Final Reward:

Excellent Weapon (100%) +

Sculpture 1x (Ghost Horse material) (25%) + 

Exclusive New Jewel 1 ~ 2 (100%)


All DG (1~7) 15% chance of each monster drop Jewel (Bless / Soul / Chaos)

Illusion Temple

IT 1 (level 180 ~ 399): Guardian Upgrade Stone (3x ~ 10x)

IT 2 (level 400 ~ 599): Greater Box (1x)

IT 3 (level 600 ~ 799): Greater Box (2x)

IT 4 (level 800 ~ 999): Greater Box (3x)

IT 5 (level 1000+ ): Greater Box (4x)

Varka Renew

(Imperial Guardian, Gaion)

Statue: Greater Box (1x or 2x) + Jewels (2x ~ 5x) (55%) + Exclusive New Jewel (45%)

Final Boss: Spider Artifact Fragment

Crywolf Event

Dark Elf: Greater Box + Sphere Upgrade Capsule (1 ~ 5 random amount);

Balgass: Greater Box + Darkangel Weapon

Castle Deep


Standard Box + Excellent Ancient TOP +

Bloodangel Weapon (Non Excellent) + Miracle Coin (5x)

Acheron Protector

Monsters: Minor Box;

Tower: Greater Box + Pentagram Level 300 (2soc~4soc)

Arca War

Monsters: Minor Box + x1 Trophies;

Winners Guild: Ancient DROP + 20% EXP Bonus

Castle Siege

Land of Trials Map monsters drop: 

Ancient Items + Divine Archangel Weapons + Jewel of Guardian

Senior Mix Guild Master reward:

60% chance: Excellent Armors Blue Eye / Silverheart

20% chance: Seal of Ghost Horse

20% chance: Golden Fenrir

Find to Win

(Hide & Seek)

Wcoins: 40 ~ 160 random; +

RUUD: 2000 ~ 8000 random; +

Goblin Points: 300 ~ 1000 random; +

Bless of Light: Low or Middle or Greater random; +

Monster Spawn: Golden Budge Dragon + Ice Queen + Balrog;

Boss Battle Together

Boss Battle Bonus Box:

Greater Box (3x); +

Random Jewel (50x) (Chaos / Bless / Soul / Life / Creation)





Ice Queen

(Devias 4)

Minor Box + Jewels x2;

10% Chance of Exclusive New Jewel


(Losttower 7)

Minor Box + Jewels x4;

10% Chance of Exclusive New Jewel


(Atlans 2/3)

Minor Box + Jewels x8;

10% Chance of Exclusive New Jewel


(Lorencia, Noria, Devias, Dungeon, LostTower, Atlans, Tarkan, Icarus, Aida, Kantru, KanturuRelics, Elbeland, Swamp)

Golden Monsters: Box of Kundun +1 ~ +5

10% Chance of Jewel (Bless / Soul / Chaos)

Super Golden


Golden Iron Knight: x5 Box of Kundum +3 ~ +5;

Golden Great Dragon: x7 Box of Kundum +3 ~ +5

100% Chance of 2x Jewels (Bless / Soul / Chaos)

White Wizard

(Lorencia, Devias, Noria)

White Wizard: 100% chance of 300 RUUD + Jewel of Bless;

50% chance of Skeleton Pet with time (6h)

Destructive Ogre Archer: 60% chance of Zen (500k)

Destructive Ogre Soldier: 50% chance of Ring of Wizard

Death King


Minor or Standard Box + Excellent Item

75% Chance: Ashcrow, Black Dragon, Dark Phoenix, Eclipse, Grand Soul, Iris, Holy Spirit, Valiant, Thunder Hawk, Dark Steel, Glorious, Ancient, Storm Zahard, Princie, Rune Legendary, Slayer Ancient, Scale Gunner, Glimmer, Mage Legendary, Illusion Knight Iron Plate

25% Chance: Great Dragon, Dark Soul, Red Spirit, Hurricane, Dark Master, Demonic, Piercing Grove, Hirat, Sate, Kanaz, Slayer Demonic, Light Plate Gunner, Flash, Noble Pixie, Steel Plate

15% Chance of Exclusive New Jewel



Minor or Standard Box + Excellent Item

25% Chance: 380 Level Items: Dragon Knight, Venom Mist, Sylphid Ray, Volcano, Sunlight, Storm Blitz, Phoenix Soul

75% Chance: Great Dragon, Dark Soul, Red Spirit, Hurricane, Dark Master, Demonic, Piercing Grove, Hirat, Sate, Kanaz, Slayer Demonic, Light Plate Gunner, Flash, Noble Pixie, Steel Plate

15% Chance of Exclusive New Jewel

Red Dragon


Minor or Standard Box + Excellent Item

40% Chance: 380 Level Items: Dragon Knight, Venom Mist, Sylphid Ray, Volcano, Sunlight, Storm Blitz, Phoenix Soul

20% Chance: 380 Level Weapons: Bone Blade, Explosion Blade, Phoenix Soul Star, Soleil Scepter, Sylph Wind Bow, Grand Viper Staff, Storm Blitz Stick

10% Chance: Ancient Item

40% Chance: Great Dragon, Dark Soul, Red Spirit, Hurricane, Dark Master, Demonic, Piercing Grove, Hirat, Sate, Kanaz, Slayer Demonic, Light Plate Gunner, Flash, Noble Pixie, Steel Plate.

15% Chance of Exclusive New Jewel

Golden Budge Dragon

(Valley of Loren)

Minor Box + Box of Luck

Metal Balrog

(Random: Lorencia, Noria, Elbeland)

Standard Box +

30% Chance: Feather, Crest, W2.5 Combination Items 

70% Chance: Jewel 1x Jewel (Bless / Soul / Chaos)

15% Chance of Exclusive New Jewel

Golden Goblin

(Losttower, Aida, Kanturu, Karutan, Archeron)

Random Jewels +

10% Chance: Monster Summoning Scroll

PET Muun

(Random: Lorencia, Noria, Elbeland, Devias); (Random: Losttower, Icarus, Aida, Kalima 5); (Random: Kanturu, Kalima 7, Swamp, Raklion)

Eggs Muun

Pets Muun


(Lorencia, Noria, Elbeland, Raklion)

Elemental Rune or Mithril +

25% Chance: Minor Box

30% Chance: Ancient item

10% Chance of Exclusive New Jewel

Debenter Invasor


Minor or Standard Box + Pentagram 150 (2 ~ 4 soc)

15% Chance of Exclusive New Jewel

Uruk / Nars Invasor

(Uruk Mountain, Nars)

Minor or Standard Box + Pentagram 180 (2 ~ 4 soc)

15% Chance of Exclusive New Jewel

Ferea Invasor


Standard Box + Bloodangel Excellent Items

20% Chance: Lapidary Stone 2x

15% Chance: Bloodangel Talisman of Chaos Assembly

25% Chance: Elemental Rune 5x

30% Chance: Miracle Coin

10% Chance of Exclusive New Jewel

Nixies Lake Invasor

(Nixies Lake)

Standard Box + Bloodangel Excellent Items

20% Chance: Lapidary Stone 3x

15% Chance: Bloodangel Talisman of Chaos Assembly

25% Chance: Elemental Rune 7x

30% Chance: Miracle Coin

10% Chance of Exclusive New Jewel


(Old Kethotum)

Standard Box + Wcoins (30)

30% Chance: Event Ticket random (BC, DS, Kalima, Varka)

20% Chance: Pet Box

20% Chance: Accessory Box

20% Chance: Miracle Coin

Deep Dungeon Invasor

(Deep Dungeon)

Standard Box + Darkangel Excellent Items

20% Chance: Lapidary Stone 4x

15% Chance: Darkangel Talisman of Chaos Assembly

25% Chance: Elemental Rune 8x

30% Chance: Miracle Coin

10% Chance of Exclusive New Jewel

Darkness Swamp Invasor

(Swamp of Darkness)

Standard Box + Holyangel Excellent Items

20% Chance: Lapidary Stone 5x

15% Chance: Holyangel Talisman of Chaos Assembly

25% Chance: Elemental Rune 9x

30% Chance: Miracle Coin

10% Chance of Exclusive New Jewel

Kubera Mine Invasor

(Kubera Mine)

Standard Box + Awakening Soul Excellent Items

20% Chance: Lapidary Stone 6x

15% Chance: Soul Talisman of Chaos Assembly

25% Chance: Elemental Rune 10x

30% Chance: Miracle Coin

10% Chance of Exclusive New Jewel





Illusion of Kundun

(Kalima 6)

Standard Box + Excellent Items 380 Level

+ Excellent Weapons 380 Level

+ Miracle Coin (1x)


(Kalima 7)

Standard Box + Excellent Ancient TOP +

+ Bloodangel Weapon (Non Excellent)

+ Excellent TOP Weapon (xKB, xDay, xDancer, etc)

+ Miracle Coin (2x)

Mini BOSS: Minor Box



Greater Box (2x) + Bloodangel Weapon (Non Excellent)

+ Miracle Coin (5x)

Maya Hand: Minor Box (15%) or Medium Tier Weapon (85%)


(Peace Swamp)

Standard Box + Excellent Ancient TOP +

+ Bloodangel Weapon (Non Excellent) (50%)

+ Sockets 380 (Shield) (3 sockets) + Sockets 380 (Weapon) (3 sockets)

+ Sphere Upgrade Rune Capsule 3x

+ Miracle Coin (3x)

Mini BOSS: Minor Box (50%)


(Raklion Event)

Standard Box + Sockets 380 (SET) (3 sockets) 5x

+ Sphere Upgrade Rune Capsule 5x + Steel of Heaven (20%)

+ Miracle Coin (2x)

Lord Silvester

(Uruk Mountain)

Standard Box (2x) + Excellent Ancient TOP 3x

+ Muun TOP + Pentagram 300 (2 ~ 4 soc)

+ Fragment of Radiance slot (1 ~ 4)

+ Miracle Coin (5x)

Core Magriffy


Standard Box (2x) + Excellent Ancient TOP 3x

+ Muun TOP + Pentagram 300 (2 ~ 4 soc)

+ Fragment of Radiance slot (1 ~ 4)

+ Miracle Coin (6x)

Mini BOSS: Minor Box

Lord of Ferea



Greater Box (2x) + Excellent Ancient TOP 4x

+ Muun TOP (mount) + Pentagram 300 (2 ~ 4 soc)

+ Steel of Heaven (50%) + Garuda's Flame (10%)

+ Jewel of Excellent Ancient (+1 ~ +6) (14%)

+ Miracle Coin (7x)

Mini BOSS Ferea Monsters: Jewel of Bless (10%)

Mini BOSS Ferea General: Minor Box


(Nixies Lake)


 Greater Box (2x) + Excellent Weapon (Bloodangel or Archangel) 

+ Muun TOP (mount) + Pentagram 300 (2 ~ 4 soc)

+ Expansion Scroll of Radiance slot + Garuda's Flame (20%)

+ Jewel of Excellent Ancient (+1 ~ +6) (16%)

+ Miracle Coin (8x)

Deep Gorgon

(Deep Dungeon)


Greater Box (3x) + Excellent Weapon (Darkangel or Archangel) 

+ Muun TOP (mount) + Pentagram Final (2 ~ 4 soc)

+ Expansion Scroll of Radiance slot + Garuda's Flame (35%)

+ Jewel of Excellent Ancient (+1 ~ +6) (18%)

+ Miracle Coin (9x)

God of Darkness

(Swamp of Darkness)


Greater Box (3x) + Excellent Weapon (Holyangel or Archangel) 

+ Muun TOP (mount) + Pentagram Final (2 ~4 soc)

+ Expansion Scroll of Radiance slot + Garuda's Flame (45%)

+ Jewel of Excellent Ancient (+1 ~ +6) (20%)

+ Miracle Coin (10x)

Mini BOSS Swamp Monster: Jewel of Bless

Mini BOSS Water Monster: Jewel of Harmony



Elite Bosses


Lizard King of Abyss

(Abyss of Atlans 3)

Greater Box (3x) + Exclusive New Jewel (Luck, Level, Excellent Ancient) (15%)

+ Muun TOP (mount) + Pentagram Final (3 ~ 4 soc)

+ Pentagram Emblem or Errtel Emblem (10%)

+ Garuda Flame or Garuda Feather (10%)

+ Miracle Coin (10x) + Wcoins (50)

Scorched Wizard

(Scorched Canyon)

Greater Box (3x) + Exclusive New Jewel (Luck, Level, Excellent Ancient) (18%)

+ Muun TOP (mount) + Pentagram Final (3 ~ 4 soc)

+ Pentagram Emblem or Errtel Emblem (12%)

+ Garuda Flame or Garuda Feather (12%)

+ Miracle Coin (11x) + Wcoins (60)

Phoenix of Darkness

(Red Smoke Icarus)

Greater Box (4x) + Exclusive New Jewel (Luck, Level, Excellent Ancient) (21%)

+ Muun TOP (mount) + Pentagram Final (3 ~ 4 soc)

+ Pentagram Emblem or Errtel Emblem (14%)

+ Garuda Flame or Garuda Feather (14%)

+ Miracle Coin (12x) + Wcoins (70)

Temple Gargoyle

(Arenil Temple)

Greater Box (4x) + Exclusive New Jewel (Luck, Level, Excellent Ancient) (24%)

+ Muun TOP (mount) + Pentagram Final (3 ~ 4 soc)

+ Pentagram Emblem or Errtel Emblem (16%)

+ Garuda Flame or Garuda Feather (16%)

+ Miracle Coin (13x) + Wcoins (80)

Ashy Bloody Witch Queen

(Ashen Aida)

Greater Box (5x) + Exclusive New Jewel (Luck, Level, Excellent Ancient) (27%)

+ Muun TOP (mount) + Pentagram Final (3 ~ 4 soc)

+ Pentagram Emblem or Errtel Emblem (18%)

+ Garuda Flame or Garuda Feather (18%)

+ Miracle Coin (14x) + Wcoins (90)

Crimson Harpy

(Burning Kethotum)

 Greater Box (5x) + Exclusive New Jewel (Luck, Level, Excellent Ancient) (30%)

+ Muun TOP (mount) + Pentagram Final (3 ~ 4 soc)

+ Pentagram Emblem or Errtel Emblem (20%)

+ Garuda Flame or Garuda Feather (20%)

+ Miracle Coin (15x) + Wcoins (100)

Underground Dreadfear

(Kanturu Undergrounds)

Greater Box (6x) + Exclusive New Jewel (Luck, Level, Excellent Ancient) (33%)

+ Muun TOP (mount) + Pentagram Final (3 ~ 4 soc)

+ Pentagram Emblem or Errtel Emblem (22%)

+ Garuda Flame or Garuda Feather (22%)

+ Miracle Coin (16x) + Wcoins (110)

Magma Shaman

(Ignis Volcano)

Greater Box (6x) + Exclusive New Jewel (Luck, Level, Excellent Ancient) (36%)

Earring Material (lv2 35%, lv3 25%, lv4 25%, lv5 15%)

+ Lapidary Stone 50x + Miracle Coin (17x) + Wcoins (120)


Elite Bosss spawns at 1 of 5 Zones randomly each map.

Located at Elite Boss Zone (TAB to view on Minimap)

Boss despawns in 2 hours if nobody killed it.




Elite Mobs



Great Bahamut of Abyss

20 RUUD + 20 GP +

Blue Eye Talisman of Chaos Assembly (5%)

Guardian Upgrade Stone (70%)

Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone (5%)

Guardian Elite Option Conversion Stone (10%)

Golden Sentence (10%)


Scorched Warrior



Scorched Assassin

40 RUUD + 40 GP +

Silver Heart Talisman of Chaos Assembly (5%)

Guardian Upgrade Stone (70%)

Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone (5%)

Guardian Elite Option Conversion Stone (10%)

Golden Sentence (10%)


Great Drakan

60 RUUD + 60 GP +

Silver Heart Talisman of Chaos Assembly (5%)

Guardian Upgrade Stone (70%)

Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone (5%)

Guardian Elite Option Conversion Stone (10%)

Golden Sentence (10%)


Temple Ogre



Temple Gremlin

80 RUUD + 80 GP +

Manticore Talisman of Chaos Assembly (5%)

Guardian Upgrade Stone (70%)

Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone (5%)

Guardian Elite Option Conversion Stone (10%)

Golden Sentence (10%)


Ashy Golem

100 RUUD + 100 GP +

Manticore Talisman of Chaos Assembly (5%)

Guardian Upgrade Stone (70%)

Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone (5%)

Guardian Elite Option Conversion Stone (10%)

Golden Sentence (10%)


Crimson Lycan



Crimson Minos

120 RUUD + 120 GP +

Brilliant Talisman of Chaos Assembly (5%)

Guardian Upgrade Stone (70%)

Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone (5%)

Guardian Elite Option Conversion Stone (10%)

Golden Sentence (10%)


Underground Persona



Underground Twin Tale

140 RUUD + 140 GP +

Brilliant Talisman of Chaos Assembly (5%)

Guardian Upgrade Stone (70%)

Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone (5%)

Guardian Elite Option Conversion Stone (10%)

Golden Sentence (10%)


Magma Gladiator



Magma Hook

 160 RUUD + 160 GP +

Brilliant Talisman of Chaos Assembly (5%)

Guardian Upgrade Stone (70%)

Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone (5%)

Guardian Elite Option Conversion Stone (10%)

Golden Sentence (10%)


Elite Monsters respawn time = 60 minutes.

Located at Elite Hotspots, 1 hotspot per element.



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Posted by Awake MU

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